August 01, 2022

Decoding Common Myths About Concrete

Concrete is one of the most popularly used materials for driveway paving in Kent. They are cost-effective, exceptionally durable, and need minimal to no maintenance once installed. However, while it plays a crucial role in almost every kind of construction work, there are several myths surrounding concrete that are still believed by many.

Here, we take a look at the common concrete myths and see if they hold any value in real life.

Common Concrete Myths

  1. Concrete is always grey

While concrete starts as grey, the finished product is highly customisable and available in a wide range of colour options. Mineral colours can be added when the concrete is wet to achieve the desired colour when it sets and hardens.

Driveway Paving Kent

  1. You can use acid to strip sealants

Acids are severely detrimental to concrete and concrete sealants and will hamper the durability of the cement. You should never use acid to remove any kind of sealant from any surface. Instead, you can either use a sealant stripper or get in touch with a professional driveways contractor for better solutions.

  1. Compressive strength equals durability

Concrete is available in multiple compressive strengths which range from 2500 psi to 10000 psi. While you may think that the highest compressive strength is the one that is the most durable, it is unfortunately not true. The durability of concrete depends on several factors, including freeze-thaw cycles, weather fluctuations, etc. The best way to improve the durability of concrete is by reducing its permeability, not higher compressive strength.

  1. Concrete is impermeable

To emphasise the earlier point, even the densest concrete is permeable. So, water and similar elements in liquid and gaseous forms can penetrate concrete over time. When installed incorrectly, concrete is prone to cracking from multiple freeze-thaw cycles, thereby reducing its shelf life.

  1. You can lay concrete any time of the year

Concrete is one of the most durable construction materials out there. However, it needs proper temperature to dry and harden. If you pour the material when the temperature is extremely high or below the freezing point, the concrete will not harden properly. As a result, the final product will not be as durable as expected and will get damaged quickly.

If you have any more queries surrounding concrete and its uses, get in touch with the experts at a driveway paving contractor in Kent. The professionals there will be able to help you out!

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